Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Class on Jan 26th

What can I honestly say about our second class session? I suppose the best way to describe that class is to simply say that I'm amazed. I'm amazed at the way in which a group, when confronted with no boundaries, can become completely flabbergasted by possibilities. The round shape assignment was simple enough, yet, so complex. Everything can be put into a round context if you really want it to be. A monitor can be round if you talk about it's possibilities to relay information. A square can be round if given enough enlightenment (my joke for the day). We all live in a world of defined shapes; however, I suppose the key to progressive advance is to simply look at each individual shape we are presented with and pushing it's boundaries to what it could be.

The next time you see a square and have to figure out it's length and width, you should tell your professor you'd be more interested in learning the circumference; see what he/she says.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Le'go My Eggggggg, yo!

Interesting assignment Beth; very interesting. I left the egg in my refrigerator for the first week, not sure what exactly to do with it. Because this assignment was so open ended, I kind of got lost in all the wonderful ideas revolving around our wonderful egg. Well, turns out eggs can be assholes. Friday, right before work, I pondered, "Hell, I will try a raw egg for once!" What a bad idea. About two hours into work, my stomach started churning. Let me just say that the egg did not agree with me all day. Granted, it could have been the Taco Bell from the night before. However, I think it could be a mixture of both.

From this assignment I have learned to keep my creativity, well, creative. Eating a raw egg is not unique, creative, or recommended. I should have stuck with my original idea of "Photoshopping" my egg into the many wonderful places of the world! At least that way I would feel great lying about my "world-traveling" egg instead of spending a whole day practically losing my insides.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Jan 12th Class Meeting - The Alpha to My Omega.

So; as expected, Beth's class is going to be some sort of exploration into the right brain, destroying brain cells as we zoom past the cosmos of our mind. Not really.. ha ha. In all seriousness, this class has my interest simply because of Beth's ability to think outside of the box. In the process, I think she'll do a great job at getting people out of their comfort level. Spontaneity is one of those concepts that seems to fade with time. With responsibility and technology, our society beckons us to follow a strict regimen of activity to keep it alive. However, without the creative mindset of those that fight repetition, I suppose there would be no "flavor" to our world. Give "flavor" whatever definition pleases you the most.

Round things; an interesting topic, and one that has me paranoid of my surroundings. It was hilarious; I was driving home from class last night, and I was literally scouring my 360 degree environment for round objects; tires, lanterns, signs, streets, etc. Hell, I suppose my head movement was the culmination of my round item search; after all, it was continuously making circular movements searching my world for oblong and extraordinary round shapes.

More to come...