Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Class on March 23rd

Do I really need to respond to this class with more than three words? hmmmm?



Interesting class today. I do agree with Beth tho; although our assignments are very interesting, I think we could probably do a bit more thinking in relation to our projects. However, I really do enjoy my "scared shitless" fruit fly picture. Hahaha.

I will be on vacation this next week. During that time, I will try to dig even further into my final project idea and try to pinpoint exactly what I am trying to accomplish, and in the process, make it interesting for the masses. I think my project has some potential; however, it is too broad. I will try to give it a central theme other than different perspectives based on alcohol consumption. I am hoping to give this project an educative edge to indeed come to some goal. More to come in the future, and I look forward to seeing the class when I get back.

PS: Cop cars running over apples with their lights turned on is WIN. So are super heroes made from SPORKS. hahaha.

I did forget to blog about this a bit ago, but I wanted to share it with you all.

Around three weeks ago I was driving down to campus and stuck behind some guy driving down fall creek. This guy was going into the oncoming traffic lanes, back into ours, and into the right lane. I decided to pass this guy, thinking it was a good idea.

We came to a stop light, and I figured it might be a good idea to get in the other lane. As I did this, I watched the drunk driver come flying up on my left, proceeding to slam hard into the van right next to me. After this happened, he took off.

Realize this was happening at around 4pm. I did not call the police, as I did not think quickly on my feet, and sadly, did not want to get tied up in the situation. However, is inconvenience an excuse for preventing harm? Looking back, I know what I should have done.

This all ties into our red-light situation we talked about in class around three weeks ago. STOP FOR THE DAMNED LIGHTS PEOPLE, and DO NOT DRIVE DRUNK. It is rediculous, it kills, and it makes you look like an ass. This coming from me. Pfft. I need to take my own advice.

See you all soon!

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