Monday, February 23, 2009

Three Hourssss.... is the magic number.

Well our assignment for the week was to spend the three hours we would normally spend in class on something we enjoy. We basically had three hours to sit back, relax, and take a moment to meditate on life and school.

I decided to spend the three hours at the bar with my brother. I figured a few drinks and some time in a relaxed environment would get my head on right. However, I was dead wrong.

It wouldn't have been an issue if we would have stayed away from the pool table. However, we played six games of pool, and each of the games I lost with one or no balls left on the table. Thoughts of anger clouded my judgement, and instead of sitting back and relaxing, I spent a good hour bitching and complaining about the losses. They were unjustified!

However, thinking back, I do realize that at the end of the three hours, I began to ponder the importance of the games. Realizing that they had no effect on the global outcome of my personal progress in life, I relaxed, and began to really think about life, work, and school.

In reality, the best we can hope to achieve in life is to keep an open mind and do the best we can. In this day in age, I realized that I simply need to take things one day at a time. Hopefully I can relax, enjoy life, and truly live up to what I want to become.

Final Project:

I was really giving this some thought, and I would really like to do something personally fulfilling. I really do enjoy the video game industry. I also enjoy stalking Corey Callahan. I have not confronted him about this yet, but I was hoping that he would want to take his final project idea, include me, and expand upon it. I am thinking that we can do a small video segment in real life, completely stealing Mega 64's ideas. However, I want to make this our own, and envision it the way we should; seeing sideways!

If Corey rejects me, I suppose I can think of something else. More to come... (pending Corey)

1 comment:

  1. What if my project makes a cameo appearance in your wilderness video?
